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Chris Marshall

resource development, novo

Chris is married with 4 kids and works for Novo in Resource Development.  His love for adventure has taken him all over the world including several times to Tanzania.  He has flown over Kilimanjaro many times with the dream to climb it some day.  Chris has led over 100 international teams to 45+ countries with 4,000+ volunteers.  While climbing mountains is not a strength of his, he is good at surfing giant mountains in his hometown of San Clemente, California.  


Taylor Smith

Partnership Development, NOVO

Based in Dallas, TX, Taylor Smith has been in ministry for 12 years. With his wife and children, the Smiths lived in Zambia, Africa for 4 years involved in orphan care and church planting. Now serving full-time with Novo, Taylor is committed to seeing movements of the Gospel explode across the African continent.

Tuonane hapo juu!! (See you at the top!)


John Gash

president, faithquest

“Johno” is a pastor and the President of FaithQuest Missions, Novo’s favorite partner!  He loves challenging and encouraging people and their churches to put their faith into action to multiply movements of the gospel.  He is a bit crazy over his wife Lori of 42 years and their kids and grandkids, a wild tribe of 17.  He thrives on faith, adventure, fun, the outdoors, and going fast on his bike. FaithQuest has been leading trips to Africa for almost 20 years, including Kilimanjaro.


Lori Gash

administrator, faithquest

Lori loves adventure and her wild and crazy husband, kids, and grandkids, a raucous tribe of 17. Lori championed a Freedom Trek up Kilimanjaro in 2012 and climbed alongside 48 women to raise awareness and funds to end human trafficking. God used these women and their efforts to raise over $500,000, inspiring many more events. Lori is a swimmer, distance runner, and cyclist who has ridden her bike across Honduras, Spain, Ireland, and France to raise awareness and funds including bringing God’s love to war-torn children and their families in the Middle East.


Josh Johnson

Pastor of Adventure & Outreach, faithquest

Josh is a passionate, adventure-seeking pastor that loves encouraging others toward their adventures and their journey with Christ. Growing up as a pastor’s kid and being adamant that he would never go into ministry, God certainly had other plans. As an adult, Josh has been pursuing ministry opportunities and leading men, and others, toward a deeper relationship with Christ for a number of years. He’s now using his passion for disciple making and adventure seeking to lead the Adventure ministry at FaithQuest Missions! A 3-time Ragnarian, a former #1 ranked rock climber, and someone who loves getting out and doing new things, Josh is excited to meet new people, go on crazy adventures, and lead people into a deeper relationship with Christ.

He loves his babe of a wife and two young fun-loving children, and loves pairing faith and fitness as a catalyst to an activated relationship with God.