Climb Kilimanjaro

JANUARY 7-17, 2023


Climb for Freedom!

There are so many challenges in the world today caused by bad governments, war, politics and corrupted social systems. Caught in the middle are innocent people and typically those people don’t have a voice or the strength to be freed from these challenges.

In January of 2023, you have the chance to be their advocate and raise awareness to provide freedom for the war-torn Syrian and Afghan refugees, ISIS-trafficked and abused women in Iraq, cast-aside disabled children in Egypt, the terrorized church in northern Nigeria, and more. The Freedom Trek is a fundraiser and mountain climbing adventure to collectively raise money to break the chains of the enslaved and terrorized.   

While climbing Kilimanjaro is a Bucket List item for many people, the Freedom Trek is so much more.  This trip is about taking on a challenge and accomplishing something bigger than ourselves. More than just summiting, the purpose of this event is to raise awareness and funds to directly impact the lives of the oppressed throughout the Middle East and North Africa.  

Our collective goal is to raise $250,000 to help serve refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq many of whom have been trafficked and abused and to equip and encourage disabled, persecuted and displaced people throughout Egypt and Nigeria.

This amazing work is accomplished through our partners and networks who are standing by ready to meet these needs! 

By accomplishing our goal, we will see a massive impact in the lives of tens of thousands of the most marginalized peoples in the world; FREEDOM for the oppressed!

Climb with a Cause

Together, we can reach Uhuru Summit AND our fundraising goals!  Each participant agrees to set a fundraising goal of $15,000 or more. As a team, we are very experienced at fundraising for events like this and we will walk with you through this year of sharing the story, and will provide tools and resources needed. 

You can do this! 

You are committing your best efforts to accomplish your portion of our big goal of $250,000.  For your part in this, we ask that you would set your personal goal at $15,000 or more, but you are committing as a minimum to raise or personally fund at least $7,500 towards the goal. This minimum amount covers your participation costs, including airfare, lodging before and after the climb, guides and full support on the mountain, permits, meals, and the debrief/recovery/celebratory safari.

Due to the high level of interest, a $500 contribution/deposit is due upon registration to secure your spot for Freedom Trek. In order to reserve your spot, register using the form below! 

Thank you for your interest in Freedom Trek!  If you have any questions or we can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us! Please note that you will not be considered fully registered for the Freedom Trek until you have fully completed and submitted your registration below and made your deposit. In the past, places have filled up quickly so the earlier you register and make your deposit the better.


Already heard enough? Let’s do this! Click here to reserve your spot on the team!

Build your team

Nobody does this kind of thing alone. Click here to learn how to build a team to support your adventure and the cause.


Training is important. Here is a sample training schedule to help you prepare.

Let’s do this!

We are in this together. Here is our packing list to help you prepare for what you’ll need on this adventure.


“Let’s unite together & fight; breaking the chains of the enslaved & terrorized.”

john gash  |  faithquest


Trip Details

Freedom Trek is a 12 day adventure consisting of 2 travel days, 8 days of climbing, and a 2 day safari.

Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro is for many, a once in a lifetime experience…and we want everyone to succeed! While there are many different ways to summit, we have chosen to summit in a way that gives opportunity for people with all skill levels to reach the top.

Leaning on the experience of our guides, we have chosen to ascend to the peak over 6 days, giving the best opportunity to acclimate to the surroundings as we travel together. We will then descend to the base of the mountain over 2 days with an amazing view of the giant that we all just climbed together! From there, we will enjoy a 2 day safari tour of the African plains where we will all be able to debrief, reflect, and recover from our accomplishment.

The highest point on the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro is 19,341’ Uhuru Peak. Uhuru is the swahili word for freedom; and this is the purpose behind our climb!


Ready to Join us?
