

Fitness Training

Training and preparation is essential to successfully completing any adventure program. Your training is personally customized for each adventure.

The training will simulate the types of activities we will encounter on our adventure and provide the appropriate skill set and techniques.

Several of our adventure programs are both physically and mentally challenging and will require a certain level of endurance and fitness to complete. Therefore, it is our commitment to you that through our adventure training programs you will be adequately prepared to summit your intended peak while enjoying the process.

To assist in getting started with your training program we have put together a potential week using the 8-week program listed on the page below. Using weeks 1 & 2 as a guide we have broken out the daily activities and exercises.

Below is a sample routine for weeks 1 & 2. For strength training try to do 3 sets of 10-12 reps for the exercises indicated below.

Here are some tips on how to create your weekly work out schedule:

1. Try alternating cardio training with strength training.

2. Incorporate cycling, spinning, trail running and other cross training activities in lieu of your typical cardio exercises

3. Do at least 3 sets of each strength training exercises with 10-12 repetitions

4. Stage your rest days so you are not taking them back to back